- comfortable
cases) 人がくつろいだ、ゆったりした
context: Many hands reached out to him. He was carried onto the verandah and made comfortable.
Definition; making you feel physically relaxed, without any pain or without being too hot, cold etc - unpleasant
meaning; 不愉快な
context; Then the car car he had passed came up and stopped beside him. An unpleasant face stared at him from the front passenger seat.
Definition : not pleasant or enjoyable:
ex.1) an unpleasant experience
ex.2) an extremely unpleasant smell
ex.3) an unpleasant surprise - excitement
context; She fitted a key into the lock on the box. "It'll be just right .""It'll be a right mistake, I think," he said. But he could not keep the excitement out of his voice.
Definition: the feeling of being excited
ex1.) The news caused great excitement among scientists.
ex2.) sexual excitement
These words and phrases including "The Long White Cloud" . It is in the library.
When I was looking up "The Lon White Cloud" on Longman English Dictionary Online and "英辞郎",It was difficult to choose meaning.
Tittle: The LOng White Cloud (Jennifer Bassett)
Published and Distributed ; OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
Next week will be change book!
I think you are doing very well.