
18th Assingment

Today's introducing sentences

  1. funeral

    context; She was telling him that she saw him at a funeral a year earlier.

    Definition; a religious ceremony for burying or burning someone who has died.

  2. well-dress
    means; 身なりをきちんと整えた、身なりのきちんとした

    context; Then she became the well-dressed Diana that we remember today.

    Definition; wearing attractive fashionable clothes

  3. unpleasant
    mean; 不愉快な、嫌な(adj.)

    context; (In the end, people realized that most of it was Diana's real story)
    But there was another surprise coming for her - and an unpleasant one.

    Definition :not pleasant or enjoyable:
    cf.1) an unpleasant experience
    cf.2) an extremely unpleasant smell
    cf.3) an unpleasant surprise

  4. land-mine
    mean; 地雷の(adj.)

    context; She specially wanted to stop the use of land-mines.

    Definition; a bomb hidden in the ground that explodes when someone walks or drives over it

These words and phrases including "Princess Diana" . It is in the liberally.
When I was looking up "Princess Diana" on Longman English Dictionary Online and "英辞郎",there was a definition that I cannot understand well.

Tittle Princess Diana"
Published and Distributed ; Pearson Education Limited

2 件のコメント:

  1. Very good work!! There's only one thing that you forgot. That is to write the year of publication.

    What was the definition that you did not understand?

  2. I just wrote a comment. I writing this comment to see if it will make my first comment appear.
